To serialize an object means to
convert its state to a byte stream so that the byte stream can be
reverted back into a copy of the object. A Java object is serializable if its class or any of its superclasses implements either the interface or its subinterface,
Lets take a sample Spark code and go through various scenarios
Accessibility and Serializability of instance variable from Outer Class inside inner class objects
Rule of thumb while understanding Spark job is :
Various Scenarios:
Outer class variables accessed within Anonymous inner class.
Outer class variables accessed with inner Static inner class.
Points to Think Through .
- A class is never serialized only object of a class is serialized . Object serialization is needed if object needs to be persisted or transmitted over the network .
Class Component | Serialization | ||||||||||||||||||||
Instance variable | yes | ||||||||||||||||||||
Static instance variable | no | ||||||||||||||||||||
Methods | no | ||||||||||||||||||||
Static methods | no | ||||||||||||||||||||
Static inner class | no | ||||||||||||||||||||
local variables | no |
Lets take a sample Spark code and go through various scenarios
public class SparkSample { public int instanceVariable =10 ; public static int staticInstanceVariable =20 ; public int run(){ int localVariable =30; // create Spark conf final SparkConf sparkConf = new SparkConf().setAppName(config.get(JOB_NAME).set("spark.serializer", "org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer"); // create spark context final JavaSparkContext sparkContext = new JavaSparkContext(sparkConf); // read DATA JavaRDD<String> lines =[0]).javaRDD(); // Anonymous class used for lambda implementation JavaRDD<String> words = lines.flatMap(new FlatMapFunction<String, String>() { @Override public Iterator<String> call(String s) { // How will the listed varibles be accessed in RDD across driver and Executors System.out.println("Output :" + instanceVariable + " " + staticInstanceVariable + " " + localVariable); return Arrays.asList(SPACE.split(s)).iterator(); }); // SAVE OUTPUT words.saveAsTextFile(OUTPUT_PATH)); } // Inner Static class for the funactional interface which can replace the lambda implementation above public static class MapClass extends FlatMapFunction<String, String>() { @Override public Iterator<String> call(String s) { System.out.println("Output :" + instanceVariable + " " + staticInstanceVariable + " " + localVariable); return Arrays.asList(SPACE.split(s)).iterator(); }); public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { JavaWordCount count = new JavaWordCount();; } } |
Accessibility and Serializability of instance variable from Outer Class inside inner class objects
Function | Instance Variable (Outer class) | Static Instance Variable (Outer class) | Local Variable (Outer class) |
Anonymous class | Accessible And Serialized | Accessible yet not Serialized | Accessible And Serialized |
Inner Static class | Not Accessible | Accessible yet not Serialized | Not Accessible |
Rule of thumb while understanding Spark job is :
1. All the lambda functions written inside the RDD are instantiated on the driver and the objects are serialized and sent to the executors.
2. If any outer class instance variables are accessed within the inner class,
compiler apply different logic to access them , hence outer class gets serialized or not depends what do you access.
3. In terms of Java , the whole debate is about Outer class vs Inner class and how does accessing outer class references and variables leads to serialization issues .
Various Scenarios:
Outer class variables accessed within Anonymous inner class.
Instance Variable (Outer class) | Static Instance Variable (Outer class) | Local Variable (Outer class) |
Compiler by default inserts constructor in the byte code of the Anonymous class with reference to Outer class object . The outer class object is used to access the instance variable Anonymous-class(){ final Outer-class reference; Anonymous-class( Outer-class outer-reference){ reference = outer-reference; } } The outer class is serialized and sent along with the serialized object of the inner anonymous class | As static variables are not serialized , outer class object is still inserted into the Anonymous class constructor . The value of the static variable is taken from the class state present on that executor . | Compiler by default inserts constructor in the byte code of the Anonymous class with reference to Outer class object AND local variable reference The outer class object is used to access the instance variable Anonymous-class(){ final Outer-class reference; final Local-variable localRefrence ; Anonymous-class( Outer-class outer-reference, Local-variable localRefrence){ reference = outer-reference; this.localRefrence = localRefrence; } } The outer class is serialized , and the local variable object is also serialized and sent along with the serialized object of the inner anonymous class |
Outer class variables accessed with inner Static inner class.
Instance Variable (Outer class) | Static Instance Variable (Outer class) | Local Variable (Outer class) |
cant be accessed | As static variables are not serialized hence no outer class object is serialized. The value of the static variable is taken from the class state present on that executor . Outer class is not serialized and send along with the serialized Static inner class | cant be accessed |
Points to Think Through .
- Java Serialization rules are followed to select which class object
needs to be serialized . - Use javap -p -c "abc.class" to unwrap the byte code and see the compiler generated code
- Depending on what you are trying to access within the inner class of the outer class, compiler generates different byte code.
- You don't need to make classes implement Serialization which are only accessed on driver .
- Any Anonymous/Static class(all lambada function are anonymous class) used within RDD will be instantiated on the driver .
- Any class/variable used inside RDD will be instantiated on driver and sent to the executors .
- Any instance variable declared transient will not be serialized on driver.
- By default Anonymous classes will force you to make the outer class serializable.
- Any local variable/object need not have to be serializable .
- Only if local variable is used inside the Anonymous class needs to be serialized
- One can create singleton inside the call() method of pair,mapToPair function , thus making sure its never initialized on driver
- static variables are never serialized hence are never sent from driver to executors.
- if u need any service to be executed only on the executor , make them static fields inside the lambda function , or make them transient and singelton and check for null condition to instantiate them
- 14. when to use spark broadcast :
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